Friday, November 30, 2012

Demodectic Mange

Mange - ASPCA
  "What Is Mange? Mange is a skin disease caused by several species of tiny mites, common external parasites found in companion canines. Some mange mites are normal residents of your dog’s skin and hair follicles, while others are not. All mites can cause mild to severe skin infections if they proliferate. 
All dogs raised normally by their mothers possess demodectic mange mites (Demodex canis), which are transferred from mother to pup via cuddling during the first few days of life. Most dogs live in harmony with their mites, never suffering any consequences."

Ralphie had his vet appointment yesterday for his last series of puppy shots and rabies shot.  He's getting to be a big boy weighing in at 27.9 pounds at 4 months old.  I had him checked for mange since he's developing bald spots and I heard a couple of his siblings were diagnosed with mange.  I'm sorry to say Ralphie has demodectic mange.  He's not itching or scabbing but he is losing hair.  The vet said it's common in Vizslas, but I never experienced this with Jazz, my previous Vizsla.  So this is all new to me.  The vet indicated it's from his mother while nursing as a new puppy.

This is something the breeder would never know especially being the first time she bred the mother.  I can tell you one thing, I am so impressed with the breeder.  She is very concerned and is paying for Ralphie's exam and treatment.  The vet gave me a med called Ivermectin.  I've read about this med and I'm not so thrilled about it especially when the doc said Ralphie may get depressed, if so to discontinue it plus he will lose more hair before it all grows back again.  I will use this med very conservatively.  I did some research and ordered a product called Nu-Stock, which seems to have great reviews. So I'm planning to use this since it doesn't have any side effects. 

But in the meantime, Ralphie is still the crazy, playful, energized Ralphie. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


This evening was a rough one.  Before I vent, I want make it clear, I love my Ralphie.  I love having a puppy...well most of the time. Haha

I'm tired this evening. Very tired. I had a busy day at work.  I just wanted to relax when I got home.  I wanted to stretch out on the sofa and just veg in front of the TV.  Well Ralphie had different plans this evening.

Ralphie had to stay home today because Erica worked.  So he was a burst of energy tonight.  I got home from work at 5:30pm and it's 10:00pm now and he is still on the go!

The craziness all started when I took Ollie and Ralphie for a walk around the block after work.  A neighbor comes running out of her house darting at the dogs to pet them.  Ollie did his normal thing...barking and barking, then Ralphie gets all excited and started going after Ollie because he thinks Ollie wants to play because of all of his barking.  The leashes get all tangled up, Ollie is snarling at Ralphie.  I drop the poo bag, Ralphie picks it up, I grabbed it out of his mouth.  It took me and my neighbor to untangle them and in the meantime I'm sweating from all this commotion.  Exhausting.

Finally we get home, Ralphie continues to go after Ollie wanting to play.  Ollie snarling and barking..."leave me alone you crazy puppy!"

Then I'm thinking, gosh I need to exercise this puppy, so I took Ralphie for a run outside, about a mile.  We come home, he still has more energy to burn.  I played ball with him, I played with the rope with him,  I played with the squeaky toy with him,  I wrestled with him,  then for another walk.  Ralphie picks up every stick, palm, paper as we're walking, so I have to stop, put my finger in his mouth, scoop out the debris and continue our walk.  We get home to the front door, again, something in his mouth, stick my finger in it, scoop it out, it was a FROG!!

Finally he snoozes for 20 minutes, only 20 he's up and at 'em again.
Round 2.  I am sooo tired!

Ralphie still up to no good on top of my laptop...making it difficult for me to write my blog this evening.  Ralphie, Ralphie, Ralphie!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Braggin' Mama

I don't want to brag but I feel a human mama has the right to brag about her little puppy and that's exactly what I'm going to do.  LOL

First, VIZSLAS ARE THE BEST DOGS EVER!   Ralphie is so adorable.

Erica and I took Ralphie to this beautiful dog park this beautiful Florida morning.  Tons of dogs were there, all kinds of breeds frolicking around.  Again, Ralphie was the show-stopper.  After two hours of play everybody knew Ralphie by name.  People are so intrigue by him, asking questions after questions about the breed.  He played so nice with every dog possible and of course he showed some lovin' to all the humans, portraying his velcro personality.  His demeanor is absolutely the best and I can see why so many people were in awe with him...Ralphie the Vizsla is unique, kind, lovable, playful, happy, and one of a kind.  He brings so much joy to my life and I am one lucky girl to have him in my little family.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving - 2012

Yesterday was our big Thanksgiving celebration.  It's time to reflect on all that we are thankful for.  I can honestly say my list can go on and on.  Of course Erica and Rusty are number 1.  I couldn't ask for the best kids ever. I'm thankful for my faith, the roof over my head, the food on my table, being employed in a job I love, my family and friends, and of course Ollie and Ralphie.  They bring so much joy and laughter into my life. 

Enjoy this video of  Ralphie chasing Rusty around the pool yesterday.  That's Ollie in the background barking because of all the excitement.  Check out Ralphie slipping into the spa, but of course keeps on running...

Here's a picture of Ralphie after an exhausting Thanksgiving Day.  Notice the spots of puppy hair he's losing on his leg...hopefully his beautiful adult coat will grow in fast. I guess we all had to go through that awkward, not so pretty stage before becoming the beautiful swan we are today.  LOL

Monday, November 19, 2012

3 1/2 Months Old

Ralphie is now about 3 1/2 months old.  I'm starting to see changes in him.  Although he's still a little guy, he weighs 25.2 pounds.  I'm not sure if that's average or above or below average for a Vizsla his age.  I do know he has a mighty appetite and loves his treats.  Ralphie is starting to lose some of his hair, mostly around his neck but also tiny patches here and there.  I was concerned at first about hair lost, but after research I find it's completely normal.  His adult coat is coming in.  I also notice Ralphie's cute short squared-off snoot is becoming longer and narrow.  He developed his own individual Ralphie personality...barking more, watches the TV with interest, scratches the back screen door to go out to play, sits and stares at the front door when he needs to go potty, he plays with the big boys at the park, the little dogs bore him, he sits above me on the couch with his paws over my shoulders, he steals a kiss whenever he can, and he still annoys Ollie...LOL 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Puppy Magic

I truly believe puppies are magical, especially Vizsla puppies.  I've lived in my neighborhood for many years.  My neighbors have always been cordial, we wave to each other as we drive down the street or a wave on a walk.  Rarely do we have conversation maybe because we all feel it's a way to 'mind our own business'.

Well then a cute little puppy became a new member of our neighborhood. namely Ralphie, who changed everything.  Now when I take a walk with Ralphie on my side my neighbors stop their car as their heading to work with a "how adorable" or "boy he's getting big" or "how is potty training going" or "how's he getting along with your other dog", etc etc.  The other day I was walking Ralphie and a neighbor ran out of her house and said, "you're the one with the Vizsla puppy that I heard about" then at the same time just lovin' little Ralphie with a lot of ohhhs and ahhhs.  Then she tells me the story of the Vizsla she once had.  Ralphie stops curious people in their tracks with questions like, "what kind of puppy is that" or "what a beauty" or "wow, what an active puppy" or "is that a hunting dog" or "how cute, look at him", etc etc.  I've realized I'm meeting more people and talking to more people than ever now with Ralphie by my side.  He sure is an attention getter, but most of all he is a real lovey-dovey.

 Ralphie's kisser in action.  LOL

Thursday, November 15, 2012


It's a calm evening at home...Nice.   Ralphie went to the dog park today while I was at work with his BFF, Ellie Mae.

Ralphie and BFF, Ellie Mae in the car heading to the dog park.

They are Best Friends Forever!

Sweet Ralphie.  Love. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Friends Galore!

Erica took Ralphie to a really nice dog park today while I was at work.  Ralphie met up with his girlfriend, Ellie Mae, German Short-haired Pointer.  This park has a nice agility course, plenty of drinking water, and a wash-down station and it's BIG.  I'm looking forward to visiting this dog park with Ralphie often.  Who knows...he may be a great agility dog in the future!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Bone

Ollie hasn't had interest in bones in all of a sudden he has an interest.  Oh course he doesn't want his own bone, he wants Ralphie's bone.  He'll stand there, staring and staring until he has a chance to snag it.  That 'ol Ollie isn't so innocent for sure...LOL.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Dog Park

"What you need to do is drain the puppy’s energy through exercise before it joins the older dog...If you exercise the puppy and allow the puppy to interact with dogs that match his state of mind before bringing him around the older dog, you’re not going to have a problem. He’s (older dog) not being aggressive; he’s just asking for his space. You are right. If you don’t provide right solution, he can teach the puppy to be aggressive with others dogs as a way to solve problems." --Cesar'sWay

This is what I read about a puppy interacting with an older dog, which is exactly what's happening in my home.  Sometimes I think Ralphie is too rough with Ollie but other times I think Ollie just doesn't like his high energy and simply wants to be left alone.  So this morning I took Ralphie to the dog park with the approval from my veterinarian.  I had a few concerns...Will he have a bad experience?   Is he too young?  As a puppy, can he catch something from the park?  Should I wait until he's older?  Well, I asked these questions at our vet appointment this week and the doc gave me thumbs up. 

Ralphie was a hit at the dog park!!  He went on the small-dog side (under 40 pounds). There were about 8 dogs there.  He was thee attention-getter!!  He played so nice!  He ran so much!  He met so many new friends!  He did bring excitement to the park not only to the other dogs, but the owners of the other dogs. They laughed at his silly Vizsla puppy antics.   After an hour of play, we went home, cleaned up and he's been a relaxed puppy all day.  Ollie is probably wondering what happened to him..."why isn't Ralphie  chasing me or pawing me?" LOL
To sum it up...Ralphie is happy today and Ollie is happy today!  Peaceful.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Puppy Play

Ralphie simply wants to puppy play with's a video to prove it.  Believe it or not although it looks like Ollie doesn't want to be bothered, the two were busy all evening together sharing their bones, taking walks, sleeping.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yesterday vs Today

What a big difference this evening is compared to yesterday's evening!  Ralphie had this built-up energy yesterday evening which was unreal.  I know the reason too.  The days Erica works I have to keep Ralphie home in his crate while I'm at work.  Although I come home during lunch to walk him and play with him, it's just not enough for a Vizsla.  Unfortunately I have no alternative.  So yesterday when I got home at 5:30pm, Ralphie was on the go nonstop!  We played for four hours straight!!  We played fetch, we took several walks, we played tug o'war, he annoyed Ollie, he dug holes in the dirt...this went on for four hours.  Now tonight is a different story.  Today he went to Erica's while I was at work.  Erica said he played HARD with the pugs all day.  Then after work he had his vet appointment for his 3 month puppy shots.  Well, now he is out cold!  Exhausted! Calm! Relaxed! Everything that Ollie likes. LOL  Yes, today was a busy day for Ralphie.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Just Being A Puppy

 Ralphie crying and begging for the bone that Leroy has...he will whine and cry until he gets what he wants! Such a puppy!

Ralphie at Erica's out Erica it looks like Ralphie has his eye on your lunch salad!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Three Months Old

Today Ralphie is exactly 3 months old.  He weighs 23.8 pounds.  He's a big boy and it'll be interesting to see how big he will get!  I am so pleased with Ralphie, but the only thing is I wish Ollie would like him.  Ollie is still not happy with Ralphie's playfulness.  Ralphie is just way too active for my little old Ollie.  When Ralphie is calm, then Ollie is okay.  I think with time Ralphie will understand Ollie and respect his old age.
At 3 months old I am so proud that Ralphie sits on command, plays fetch nicely, he's crate trained and knows the crate is his safe and sound bed/cave, and is potty night he will wake me up to go outside and during the day he will sit by the door when he needs to go out.  Yes, I am a proud and happy mama!

Isn't he a handsome little guy?  Picture taken today at 3 months old.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ralphie's Day

 Saturday playtime fun!!

 Ralphie doing his job...digging holes!!

How deep can he get?

Thinking about all that hard work!

 He's burying himself!!

Rinsed off in the pool...all cleaned up!

Zonked out after a busy day!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

"Spring Chicken"

Oh my, did I really forget how much energy a Vizsla has?  When I had Jazz I was more than 15 years younger than I'm today.  Maybe it's me...I'm not a "spring chicken" anymore as my mom would have said and I've slowed down a tad bit.  Ralphie can be quite draining at times...LOL  He's just a ball of energy and between little 'ol me and little 'ol Ollie we're having a hard time keeping up with this youngin'...LOL   Ralphie's new antic is taking a flying leap off the couch onto Ollie!!  You can imagine Ollie is not very happy with this rambunctious, silly puppy. 
But I can say one thing, I am very thankful for Erica to have Ralphie at her place three days a week when I'm working.  He plays hard there with the pugs and neighbor's dogs.  That is a HUGE help for me and makes Ralphie very happy burning all that energy.
No matter how crazy it is for me trying to keep up with this little puppy, I can sincerely say he has added life, laughter, and joy to my home!