Monday, April 28, 2014

Pet Therapy Vizsla

A few weeks back a couple of therapy dogs visited my department at work to get their name badges made to do their job to visit the patients at the hospital.  These dogs really intrigued me ... their well-trained demeanor, making their owner proud, and of course, their cuteness.

So the idea of a pet therapy dog just stuck in my head...I've been googling a lot on this topic, analyzing Ralphie's bahavior at the dog park, and today I joined a pet therapy meet-up group to learn more.

Lately I've been noticing Ralphie being interested in the humans at the dog park as much as the dogs.  He 'attaches' to the humans...he enjoys their attention...he loves the human touch.  I hear so many comments on how silky and soft he feels...again, 'therapy dog' pops into my head.  He's adapted well to the little kids now and treats the little ones like little humans instead of little dogs.  I feel with some training Ralphie can be a wonderful pet therapy dog.   With all my thinking and observing, I'm going for it ... Ralphie,  the pet therapy dog.  It would be so fulfilling to take Ralphie to Hospice or to the Children's hospital or to the nursing homes to touch someone's life for that day.

Our Goal ... get involved in pet therapy groups, continue to socialize, read, learn, train, get certified, volunteer and put a smile on someone's face who really needs it!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vizsla In Love

I truly believe a Vizsla has a one-of-a-kind personality.  I'm familar with many different breeds of dogs and I know the Vizsla needs the most love ever!  LOL

Each evening while I'm relaxing on the sofa Ralphie has this indescribable need to be near me ... I mean very near me ... see for yourself... this is a typical, normal evening with Ralphie... do you think he loves me?  LOL

Yep, that's Ralphie squeezed behind me on the back of the sofa!

Yes, he is comfortable...snoozing away.

"Hmmm, let's reposition myself to get even more comfier."

"I'm soooo in love!"

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Bodyguard

My house painting project is still underway ... getting done slowly but surely.  I took a day off from work to get more painting done ... solo, today.  Erica and Rusty both are working today.  So it was just me ... well, I thought it was going to be just me.

To begin with, can I say Ralphie is an amazing dog?  I started painting at 8am and wrapped up for the day around 4pm.  For eight hours I'm up and down the ladder.  Moving the ladder from place to place as the project progresses.  Ralphie was next to me, by my ladder, moving with the ladder this whole time!  He would look up at me as I climb higher to reach those hard to reach places.  I look down at him and see him panting from the heat ... panting and still with me.  I'm feeling bad for him and tell him to go into the house.  Nope, he wouldn't go.  So I take a break in hopes that Ralphie will fall asleep inside the cool house.  He dozes off and I sneak outside again.  Sure enough Ralphie gets up and outside he goes, by my side.  He would not leave me!  I truly feel Ralphie thought this was his job watch over me and keep me company as I work on this big project for hours and hours.

Not only do I feel so loved by this thoughtful pup but I know Ralphie is one AMAZING best friend!

All tired out after a long day doing his job.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Day With Cousins

I'm in the midst of painting the exterior of my house.  I'm lucky to have the best kids ever to help me with such a huge job.  If it weren't for them it would be an impossible task to do alone.  Today Erica came over to help and of course she brought Ralphie's pug cousins, Diva and Bubba.

Ralphie and Bubba grew up together and they were so happy to see each other.  They really wore each out...running, tug-a-war, wrestling, chasing each other, etc.  That little Bubba can really hold his own with Ralphie.  He's a tough little guy.  So today was an exciting day of Ralphie.  For the seniors, Diva and was a nice visit, but "please don't bother me".  LOL

I thought I would share some cute pics of the day...

I love this sweet photo.  Ralphie's paw around his cousin Bubba...they love each other
 so much!

Do you think someone wants a little dessert?  LOL

"I'm goin' in for it! Yum!!"