Tuesday, March 11, 2014

24-Hour Bug?

It was a real struggle getting through my work day today.  I was thinking of Ralphie all day long.

Normally Ralphie loves his crate ... his own space.  Before I leave for work each day, I'll say, "Okay Ralphie...go to your beddie-bye" and he just runs right in his plush cave and waits for his treats.  Well, it didn't happen today.  He didn't have anything to do with his crate.  I threw a few treats in there, but no way, he didn't want to go in.  So I left for work just worrying about him all day.

I rush home from work.  Still not the normal Ralphie.  He was happy to see me, but seemed a little down.  We took our long short walk with Ollie, up and down the street.  Then dropped Ollie off in the house and Ralphie and I headed to the dog park.  He played but not like his normal self.  He wrestled with Bailey a bit.  But had no interest in playing fetch with the ball.  Usually he loves running after that ball and trying to catch it on a fly.  Not today.  He didn't run as much either.  We were at the park for an hour or so.

We returned home and I fed both pups ... Ralphie ate a good dinner ... his kibble with some tuna.  While they were eating, I decided to clean Ralphie's crate, changing the linens.  Then I saw that he threw up in his crate today.  Can a dog have a 24-hour bug?

Later after the dog park and dinner, normally we walk/run about 3 miles each evening.  We only made it halfway through, about a mile and half ... Ralphie just didn't have the gumption to do the three.  After our short walk, he just settled above me on the back of the couch with his head on my shoulder.

As this evening ends, I now see Ralphie perking up...yep, he wants to play ball in the house...here we go...
Good Night.


  1. Hi Terri,
    I do hope Ralphie is 100% better. I had a Lady friend that is a large animal veterinarian, I learn a lot from her, and the most important thing I learn was, All pets hide there injuries/ illnesses till they can't anymore, and by then maybe too late for help, it's instinct to do so because in the wild, the weakest one is who falls prey first to predators. So she said sadly too many people wait to long after they notice sometime is wrong....
    Not to worry you, but just a heads up, on what I find to be a good bit of advice Again, hope all is well with your both your Pups !

  2. Thanks Chris! Ralphie is doing fine now! It seemed like he had one off day. We went to the dog park today and he had all the dogs chasing after him ... which he loves! Then we went on a 3 mile walk. Now he's curled up in a ball above me on the back of the sofa. Gosh, I just love him so much! Ollie is doing fine too...snoring away right now. haha Thank you for the info and advice.

  3. Awesome News ! I like your,,, opps, I mean Ralphie"s Blog ;-)
