Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Battle - Vizsla Allergies

The battle continues ... Ralphie's skin allergies seem to be getting worse.  I'm sure the dog park doesn't help.  I can see he's so annoyed with the bugs flying around him at the park.  I'm really having second thoughts about the dog park, at least until the humidity decreases.   Today we went to the dog park and Ralphie really didn't play with the other dogs.  He chased after the ball a few times, played frisbee for a short time and he was ready to go home.  Maybe it was the hot weather, maybe the bugs, or just not in the mood for the other dogs...after about 45 minutes he was ready to go.

I now have Ralphie on antibiotics and giving him baths with a medicated shampoo.  I really need to get rid of his bumps and hair loss.  My homemade bug repellent will be ready to use this weekend. The herbs have been marinating in apple cider vinegar for the past two weeks and should be the answer in keeping the bugs away from Ralphie.

We'll beat this ... yes, we will beat this...bumps or no bumps, my Ralphie is as handsome as can be. Love him.


  1. Aw, poor Ralphie - he seemed to enjoy the dog park so much. It is tough - my Stanley developed such horrible allergies to the plants at the dog park we had to stop going altogether a few years ago. Every time we would go Stanley would end up on steroids to get his system back on track. Thankfully, Stanley is 11 years old so he doesn't miss it - lol

  2. Hi Robyn, thanks for writing. I'm trying all different things for Ralphie's allergies. I'm using this cream called NuStock. Wow, it really seems to be working. I know in September he'll be all cleared up. We went to the dog park yesterday and I sprayed him with my apple cider vinegar concoction...the bugs seemed to stay away...I'm sure he didn't smell the best though. LOL Your Stanley probably has slowed down a bit, but I can imagine he still has that Vizsla feistiness and still a 'velcro'. I love his name!
