Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vizsla In Love

I truly believe a Vizsla has a one-of-a-kind personality.  I'm familar with many different breeds of dogs and I know the Vizsla needs the most love ever!  LOL

Each evening while I'm relaxing on the sofa Ralphie has this indescribable need to be near me ... I mean very near me ... see for yourself... this is a typical, normal evening with Ralphie... do you think he loves me?  LOL

Yep, that's Ralphie squeezed behind me on the back of the sofa!

Yes, he is comfortable...snoozing away.

"Hmmm, let's reposition myself to get even more comfier."

"I'm soooo in love!"


  1. {swoon} One of the traits I love best about my Vizsla. Best snuggle buddies EVER!

  2. Robyn,
    I totally agree. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  3. From Bett:

    If you really want to see Ralphie "In Love" come see him at the
    Tarpon Springs Dog Park!!

    Ha! Ha! <;0)

  4. Hahaha...Ralphie's loves everyone...but 'in love' with only me!
