Monday, April 28, 2014

Pet Therapy Vizsla

A few weeks back a couple of therapy dogs visited my department at work to get their name badges made to do their job to visit the patients at the hospital.  These dogs really intrigued me ... their well-trained demeanor, making their owner proud, and of course, their cuteness.

So the idea of a pet therapy dog just stuck in my head...I've been googling a lot on this topic, analyzing Ralphie's bahavior at the dog park, and today I joined a pet therapy meet-up group to learn more.

Lately I've been noticing Ralphie being interested in the humans at the dog park as much as the dogs.  He 'attaches' to the humans...he enjoys their attention...he loves the human touch.  I hear so many comments on how silky and soft he feels...again, 'therapy dog' pops into my head.  He's adapted well to the little kids now and treats the little ones like little humans instead of little dogs.  I feel with some training Ralphie can be a wonderful pet therapy dog.   With all my thinking and observing, I'm going for it ... Ralphie,  the pet therapy dog.  It would be so fulfilling to take Ralphie to Hospice or to the Children's hospital or to the nursing homes to touch someone's life for that day.

Our Goal ... get involved in pet therapy groups, continue to socialize, read, learn, train, get certified, volunteer and put a smile on someone's face who really needs it!


  1. well now that your on the road to recovery, maybe you and Ralphie can look into your dream!

  2. Hi Chris, Actually I have talked to a few pet owners who have pet therapy dogs. It was an eye-opener. Both told me it wasn't necessary to put your dog through a pet therapy training program to pass the test. But I feel Ralphie still needs to mature more mentally. He still has some of that puppy mentality. I do see a future pet therapy dog in Ralphie. He's an awesome pup!
