Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fourth of July Festivities

Ralphie survived his first 4th of July celebration ... barely!  It was not a good situation with the fireworks...yep, my hunting bird dog is afraid of the firework pops and booms!  I thought it would be a natural instinct in a gun dog that they can handle loud noises...Not!  I tried not to coddle Ralphie when the fireworks were going off outside, but how can I act like nothing is happening when this 56 pound puppy is on my lap, with his head on my shoulder shaking.  I wrapped a blanket around him to give him the feel of security and it seemed to calm him down.

Now it seems Ralphie is extra sensitive to any noise.   When Ralphie hears a small pop out in the distance, he's scared and doesn't want to continue his walks and drags me home. (sigh)  I really need to start on desensitizing him.  It would be horrible for him to live a fearful life of sounds.

But other than that, we had a fun-filled day...

C'mon Ralphie, you can do it!

Diva the swimming pug!

Such a baby!

Pups, pups everywhere!

My little 'ol man, Ollie

The queen, Diva

Sweet Diva

Ralphie and Rusty catching some rays!

My baby, Ralphie! Isn't he a beauty?!

Leroy snuggling with Ralphie

The end of a fun-filled 4th of July!


  1. Hello! I found your blog a couple of weeks ago and I've been reading all of your posts! Ralphie is beautiful and such a sweetheart :)
    We got our Vizsla almost 4 months ago and he stole our hearts !
    Can't wait to read more about your adventures with your dogs :)
    Take care,

  2. Hello Karine,
    Thank you for your comment. Ralphie has brought so much joy to my life and I'm sure your puppy will do the same. Right now it's storming outside and Ralphie is not fond of the thunder. His head is on my shoulder...well let's say, he's almost on top of me...I guess to protect him. Ollie, my old yorkie is next to me shaking. My sweet.
    I'd love to hear more about your new puppy!

  3. Oh, I just saw your reply!
    Well, Ziggy is almost 6 months old and even though it was tough at the beginning (he was very needy and "sharky"!!), he turned the corner a few weeks ago. He is so sweet, funny, smart... I could go on and on ! I totally became a dog person !
    When he was little, every time there was a thunderstorm, I would take him on the porch to watch it and say "Yay, thunder, it's so much fun!!". So far, so good :)

  4. I know exactly what you mean...puppies are extremely needy and boy those baby teeth are sharp!
    Ralphie is almost a year old now...I still think he's very needy. He settles around 8:30-9pm each evening. But until, he wears me out!
    What a good idea you had getting your pup used to thunder early on! Ralphie is a big baby ... thunder and fireworks do not make him happy.
    I love your puppy's name...Ziggy...very cute!
