Saturday, June 15, 2013

Home Alone Test

This week I put Ralphie to the test.  After his little escape stunt that I blogged about the other day, I needed to do something to be sure he doesn't hurt himself while home alone.  He can't continue to jump counters!

On Monday I was home with Ralphie most of the day.  But the short time that I had to leave to run errands, I didn't crate him or lock him in the kitchen.  I let him have the run of the house to see if he can be a good boy without damaging anything.  After a couple of hours alone, I returned.. he was in his crate, but I was able to tell by toys everywhere that he did stroll outside the kitchen area.  No damage! He passed Monday's test!

On Tuesday Ralphie spent the day at Erica's with his pug cousins and fun at the dog park. 

Ralphie stayed home on Wednesday while I was at work.  I put him in his crate for the morning and then came home during lunchtime to walk and exercise him.  Then I decided to give him the second test...letting him loose in the house for the afternoon...about four hours.  I left him while he was on his blanket outside his crate in the kitchen leaving the kitchen door open to be able to roam the house.  I returned home from work and Ralphie was in his crate!  But again there was evidence that he did leave the kitchen.  No damage!  He passed Wednesday's test!

Ralphie enjoyed Thursday at Erica's place...another fun day at the dog park.

Friday was the BIG test!  I left Ralphie home alone all day while I was at work with the freedom to roam the entire house, sleep wherever he wants, play wherever he wants.  He was home for nine hours alone (with Ollie)!  He started on his blanket outside his crate when I left for work.  I was nervous all day thinking of him and what he's doing.  I couldn't stop talking about this with my co-workers.  I was just picturing in my head the rugs chewed up, sofa torn apart, pillow stuffing everywhere, woodwork gnawed on, etc. etc. I couldn't wait to get home... so annoyed by every red light that stopped me on my way.  Finally after a 20 minute drive I'm home...quickly I unlock the door, Ollie's barking at the door to greet me (his normal), as I'm greeting Ollie I quickly glance around...and there's his crate!!!  There were a few toys scattered around the house so he definitely enjoyed his freedom.  I walked the house checking each room and NO DAMAGE!  Ralphie passed Friday's test!  Ralphie passed this week's test!  I'm so proud of him!!

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