Saturday, September 19, 2015

Brother - Sister Bond

Well it's been one month since Ralphie's life was changed with a new sister, Lucy.  If someone were to ask me what's or two a split second I would say two.

It's amazing how these two bonded in such a short time.  Lucy really put some pep in Ralphie's step these days.  She does not let him lay around for hours and hours.  She has really perked him up with her puppy play.  They stick together like a brother and sister should.  They're always by each other at the dog park...they know they belong together.  Ralphie doesn't play with many dogs, but he always plays with Lucy.  I can tell Lucy looks up admiring her big brother.  When he starts pointing at a lizard, she follows.  When he chases a squirrel, she follows.  She must think he's really smart.  LOL

Oh but there are times where big brother Ralphie doesn't want to be bothered by his little pesky sister.  Yep, he tells her, she walks away.  But truly most of the time, Ralphie will grin and bear it and let his little sister antagonize him when he's really not in the mood for play.  But she'll sense his mood and gives up on him, finds a bone to chew or toy to play with.

I'm so looking forward to watching their brother-sister relationship grow.  Love. 

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