Saturday, January 3, 2015

The Intelligent Vizsla

Sure we live in sunny, warm Florida, but it does cool down a bit during the winter months. Thus, the pool water cools down to a temperature where you really wouldn't want to jump in.

I was playing with Ralphie yesterday, just tossing the ball in the backyard and he fetches it, throw again, again, and again.  One toss ended in the pool ... oh no, what is Ralphie going to do?  Normally he eases in the pool by walking down the steps, gets the ball, swims to the other side of the pool, gets out and shakes off.  So I figured, that's what he'll do.  Does a dog really know about temperature, whether the pool water is cold or warm?  This video shows you exactly how Ralphie gets the ball in the middle of  Florida winter...

Tell me, how smart can a Vizsla be?  How did he know if he used his paw to paddle the ball closer to him so he doesn't have to go in to get it?  In the summertime, he would go in!

Paddle, paddle. "Come on ball come closer to me!"

"Can I get it?"

"I'm getting it, I'm getting it!"

"I got it!"
YES, the Vizsla is one smart dog!!

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