Saturday, December 21, 2013

Grooming My Vizsla

One of the nicest things about a Vizsla is the minimal amount of grooming they require.   Vizslas are almost cat-like, keeping themselves clean.  Often I see Ralphie grooming himself; licking his legs and belly.  Vizslas do not have the doggy odor that most dogs have.  However, there is some grooming on my part....very little.

After an early run at the dog park this morning, I knew for a fact it's time to give Ralphie the grooming overhaul.  He was DIRTY where shampoo is a must.  I bathe Ralphie about four times a year, which is suggested by the Vizsla breeders.  Today is the day.

I would highly suggest, start getting your Vizsla used to a tub of water, nail-clipping, and brushing as a young puppy.  When Ralphie was a pup, I would always touch and play with his paws and nails to get him used to the feel thus he's not afraid of the nail clippers.  Ralphie really didn't love the tub of water as a puppy.  He would always try to jump out of the tub and I would have a little battle with him to keep him in the water.  But in time that has changed.'s a different story...he hops in the tub on command, stands there as I scrub him down, lets me wash his face and ears with a wash cloth, jumps out of the tub on command, loves to be dried down with a big fluffy towel.  He allows me to clip his nails without squirming and most of all loves to be brushed.  Ralphie's excellent bathing behavior started with early training and now it's a pleasure to groom him.  Then he ends his grooming session out in the warm sun, soaking up the rays to dry off....ahhhhh!

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