Sunday, October 7, 2012

Night #1

The first night with Ralphie went well because HE got his way!!  I put him in his crate which is located in my kitchen.  He cried and cried and he was LOUD!  I tried to ignore it, but he wouldn't stop.  Then his cries were beginning to work on my emotions.  I was thinking that poor little puppy's life has changed drastically in one day.  He was taken from his mama and siblings, he's in a new home with a hairy little Yorkie who hasn't completely accepted him yet, his diet is different, his owner is different, his WHOLE world changed!  After about 20 minutes of crying I went in the kitchen to check on him...well he pooped in his crate...stinky, smelly.  I cleaned it up and started the washer (this was at 11:30pm).  This is when I caved in and brought Ralphie into my bed and he was real good and slept well.  I was in a light sleep all night just to be sure Ralphie was safe and sound.  I woke up around 4:30am to take him outside to pee.  He peed quickly and back to bed we went.  We woke up at 6:30am for a day of getting to know each other.  I'm looking forward to this day of new experiences with my new little boy!

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