Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just Go With The Flow

I realized today that I adapt to change quite well.  Thank goodness I'm still able to go with the flow at this stage in my life.  Most middle-agers aren't so flexible.  I noticed today how I get things accomplished with my little rambunctious Ralphie.  Just a simple task like folding laundry, well it's not so simple anymore. But I can say it's more fun now!  Ralphie was crazy playful at the same time I decided to fold laundry.  I needed to get this laundry done! So what do I do?  Well I guess I have to fold the baskets of laundry and play with Ralphie all at the same time.  I fold a couple towels, then toss the ball, Ralphie runs back with the ball, I throw it again, fold a bed sheet, throw, fold, throw, fold.  Ralphie gets bored with the ball, he brings me his birdie.  I fold another piece of laundry, then play tug o' war, fold, let Ralphie chew his birdie, then fold another piece, play tug o'war, fold, throw birdie, fold, tug o'war, get the gist.  This goes on and on.  Maybe my sheets aren't folded as perfect as they used to be, but does it really matter?  ...just go with the flow.

I was really impressed with Ralphie today when I decided to finally do some kind of workout after three weeks of absolutely no running, no cycling, no exercising.  I'm still nursing my heel stress fracture, but I had to do something to get my heart thumping again.  So I set up my road bike on the trainer in the living room.  How was my curious little puppy going to handle the whirling tires of my bike?  I hopped on the bike, started peddling, Ralphie was a little scared at the beginning by the action and sound of the bike.  I never thought I would be able to accomplish 45 minutes on the bike, but I did!  Ralphie sat in his bed, staring and staring as I'm peddling.  He was totally mesmerized.  His head nodding, fighting to stay awake.  Then zonk...he curled up in his bed and began snoring away.  Yay!!  I got a workout in and feel so much better!  ...just go with the flow.

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