Sunday, September 16, 2018
Today begins the second week of Lucy's battle with vestibular disease. I'm seeing progress but oh so long way to go. She fell out of my bed this morning landing on her back. She just jump up clumsily, very startled. Still very dizzy, disoriented and no control of her head. She took a short walk around the block this morning and POOPED! Yay!! It's been a week since she had a bowel movement. The pumpkin in her food must have really worked. We're taking one day at a time...soon Lucy will be good as new!
Today is Saturday, September 22nd which ends the second week of Lucy's vestibular disease journey. Lucy is still taking the prednisone every other day. It's making her really thirsty and she's peeing a lot. I feel bad for her because the urine just leaks out or she can't hold it in. I'm up about four times during the night to take her outside to pee. I'm using pee pads, covers, and old towels to protect the sofa cushions and bed. I've been washing all these coverings every day this past week. Tons of work!
Lucy is doing pretty good otherwise. She's walking but loses her balance periodically. Her head is still tilted to the right which hasn't improved.
She lost some weight but she's eating pretty good now. She still wants me to pamper her and bring the bowl of food to her on the couch and sit next to her while she eats! I know she can eat from her bowl on the floor because she drinks her water that way, but she still needs that special attention until she's 100 percent. I'll do whatever it takes so she eats.
There is something to be said nurturing a helpless animal back to heath. I feel closer to Lucy than I ever did before. I think she feels the same. I just LOVE her so much!
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