Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Gobbler Vizsla

Ralphie can literally eat a bowl of food in three minutes.  Lucy isn't that far behind.  They are gobblers!  They act like they've never eaten before or never going to eat again!  I know this can't be good for them.  I did a little research and I learned it's best to feed the pups after their evening workout at the dog park.  All that running on a full stomach is not good and can actually cause bloat.  Then I found these wonderful slow-feeder bowls.  It's a food bowl that's a maze.



Now it becomes a game at breakfast and dinner time.  A new challenge.  Ralphie and Lucy loves their new eating game.  Now it takes them about 10 minutes to eat, sometimes longer.  I switch the bowls between the two of them to give them a new challenge each time.  I purchased mine on but I'm sure you can get them on or any pet store.


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