Sunday, September 6, 2015

Puppies and Babies

I had an interesting conversation with my coworkers this past week.  The topic was DOGS.  LOL

Many of my coworkers think I'm a crazy dog lady to add another spastic Vizsla puppy to my family.  They pretty much laugh at me the way I talk about my pups.  So the conversation was going back and forth, with them laughing how much my pups mean to me, how much time a dedicate to my dogs. Little do they know, I hold back, I have so much more to say about my pups or just the topic, dogs.  More laughs and more laughs between my coworkers and then I said, "I like puppies better than babies."  They all got quiet.  Silence.  I had to explain, I do like babies, they're very sweet.  But I like puppies better.

I walk in a room with a baby in it and I walk in a room with a puppy... I'm drawn to the puppy.  A coworker may come into the office with their baby and of course I'm in aww over the baby...BUT  from a distance.  I may touch the babies soft hand.  But that's it.
Then somebody comes to the office with their new puppy.  Yep, I'm on the floor with the pup, I'm holding the pup, playing with the pup.  I'm enjoying every minute with this cute little puppy.  Joy!
I just get more excited over a puppy than a baby.  So.....

My coworkers just didn't get it.

Does this make me a bad person?   I hope not.


  1. So you are a dog lover! No harm in that. Some people don't love anything let alone a dog. Dogs give unconditionally and even when they are mistreated they still go running up to greet you when you come home. And you can't say that about humans in your family who make it seem like a bother to even say "hi" when you come around. Yep. Dogs ad something special to us humans, to our lives. That little spark to make us feel good if just for a while.

  2. Yes, I so agree. It does take a dog lover to understand the bond between a pup and human.
