Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dog Park Unity

Ralphie and I just returned from our morning walk.  It was a little different today...I didn't pick up cans that littered the roadside.  We've become can-pickers to give these cans to Richard, the man at the dog park who collects cans for added income.  I won't be seeing Richard for a long time now, if ever again.

Richard is an older man who sits on the bench at the dog park with his black dog, Baby.  He's there every day.  The other day Richard was telling me how Baby's health was failing and needs surgery.  He was concerned about her health, the cost, and the diagnosis.  I referred him to a more reasonable vet to see what they would say.  To make a long story short, a few days ago I learned Richard had an accident and needed surgery and his loyal companion, Baby had to be put to sleep because it was determined she had cancer.  What amazed me was how our dog park community helped Richard, who is alone, through his hardships.  I understand that a couple from the dog park took Richard to the hospital and another man from the park took Baby to the vet for Richard while he was in the hospital to put Baby asleep. How wonderful is it when you're alone with only your dog, you have these caring people who are merely acquaintances that are there to help.  That's unity, that's caring.

Recently there was another terrible event that happened at the dog park...a man's dog just fell over and died suddenly.  Again, these dog park people came to the rescue.  The poor man didn't know what to do...his beloved pet just died, no longer with him, how horrible!   One girl ran to the dog and tried to administer CPR, unfortunately it did revive her.  Knowing how devastated this pet owner is, another man wrapped the dog in a blanket and carried her to the car for him.  That's unity, that's caring.

Yes, all of us dog park people have our own story... some are struggling through loss of love or loss of health or loss of work or loss of youth or loss of family.  But we all have one thing in common...our love for our pup...the one that gives us unconditional love, the one that comforts us when we're not feeling well, the one who makes us feel worthy and accepts us no matter what our income is, the one that makes you feel young when they play with you like a child...yes... a true, loyal, loving family member.

Ralphie discovered the new dog park bridge over the tunnel.

"Look Mama, I'm walking over the bridge!"

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