Monday, June 30, 2014

Ralphie's Test

Today I posted on Facebook ... Ralphie's BIG test ... read on...

7 hrs near Oldsmar, FL 

I've been giving Ralphie stay at home mini quizzes, meaning leaving his crate open when I leave the house for a short time. He's done well. But today is the BIG test...leaving his crate open all day while at work. I'm sending out positive vibes nothing is damaged. We will see at 5.

  • 3 and4 others like this.

     cant wait to see the pictures of the aftermath... LOL... good luck!
    7 hrs · Like · 1
    •  Im betting on Ralphie !
      7 hrs · Unlike · 1
    •  Good luck Ralphie , you can do it! Make mommy proud!!!!!
      7 hrs · Unlike · 1
  •  No biggie you want new furniture anyways!!
    6 hrs · Unlike · 2
  • Go ralphie
    6 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • oooooooh I cannot wait to see......
    5 hrs · Unlike · 1
  •  I'm home and I'm quite proud of my boy...I give him a B just because he had a little accident by the door. Ralphie had only one accident in the house as a puppy. He seemed quite embarrassed with his head down. Other than that, not even a pillow out of place. I'll re-test him tomorrow. 
    2 hrs · Like · 10
  • Can't wait to heAr tomorrow's results. Extra treats for Ralphie!!!
    2 hrs · Unlike · 1
  • Yay Ralphie!!!!
    1 hr · Unlike · 1

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Vizsla Chlorine Allergy

It's that time of the year when Ralphie loves to fetch the ball in the pool and swim to the other side.  Ralphie loves his swims in our 95 degree weather.  Yes, he can do this activity for a long, long time without getting bored.

However I notice Ralphie hair thins out along his back and he develops little bumps that are crusty.  Not very attractive.   At first I thought they were bug bites, but they don't itch or annoy him.  I've done some research on this condition and it's definitely a chlorine allergy.  Ralphie also takes gulps of chlorinated pool water when he's swimming.  And you know that can't be a good thing.

Chemicals + dogs don't go together.  I've seen some pictures of extreme allergic reactions to chlorine in dogs; Ralphie's aren't so severe.  But it does take away from his beautiful red coat.  So what should I do?  I gave Ralphie one Benodryl pill, 25mg which seemed to help.  But according to pet experts, a good rinsing off with the hose after his swim should do the trick (which I haven't been doing).  I'll give that a try to see if Ralphie regains his silky red coat.  If his skin condition gets too bad, I will limit his swimming; but for now it's summertime and pool time!!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Aggressive Dog - Dog Park Blues

I'm sharing this Facebook thread from the Vizsla page, I'm asking for suggestions on how to handle a recent problem/concern that I'm having with Ralphie at the dog park.  This great community of Vizsla lovers gave me some great advice....

Ralphie has the dog park blues...what would you do? Ralphie has been going to our local dog park since he was a pup so he's made a lot of good pup pals. Recently a 2 year old un-altered Belgian Malinois, aka The Herder has been coming to the park. This Herder is obsessed with Ralphie and only Ralphie! He's very dominant over Ralphie and will not let up. He 'herds' Ralphie the whole time while we're at the park not allowing him to play with the other dogs. It's evident Ralphie is very annoyed and sometimes tries to 'fight' back grabbing The Herder's cheek/neck ... nothing works to keep this dog away from Ralphie. The owner is a nice guy and gives his dog a time-out when he's getting too aggressive...but after that it starts all over again. I hate to change the time we go because it's cooler out and all of Ralphie's friends are there at that time. Poor Ralphie is exhausted from defending himself rather than normal play when we leave the park. Again, The Herder only herds Ralphie, no other dog, he's fixated on just Ralphie...every day! Advice please!
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  • The Herder needs to be removed when you're there since he is the one causing the problem.

  •  Here's a pic of poor Ralphie 

  •  This husky was harassing my poor Vlad in fact he attacked him a couple time... So I kicked him...the owner wasn't happy about it but I had to defend my boy... No more park for him tho 
    17 hours ago · Unlike · 1

  • Gosh, I would hate to stop taking Ralphie to the park...he loved going before The Herder. He has so many friends since puphood...many grew up together...especially his favorite, Bailey.

  •  poor ralphie! he has a cute bum bum though! 
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  •  What happens if you intervene and body block the dog from your dog

  • Maybe ask the herders parents for their number and coordinate times or if you see them, leave for a while, go get the baby some ice cream, and come back later to see if they are gone.
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 3

  • That man obviously doesn't know how to handle a Malinois. They are a naturally dominant breed that requires an experienced handler under the best of circumstances. When they're unaltered their dominant tendencies show through even more. Unless this man...See More
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  • I suggest that you stop going to the dog park. You are going to feel even worse when the problem escalates and your dog gets hurt. I would suggest exchanging numbers with some of the owners of the dogs that Ralphie plays the best with and start arranging play dates away from the dog park.
    16 hours ago · Edited · Unlike · 3

  •  There's a corgi at our dog park that herds and barks and runs around everyone. So annoying. 

  •  Could you maybe get names and numbers of Ralphie's friends and maybe go for walks instead?
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 1

  • Set up a schedule with Herder's owners - alternating days.
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  • The malinois owner needs to find a new place to play if he cannot control his intact male. Majority rules at dog parks, and his dog is the issue. He needs to be asked nicely to leave or come at another time.
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  •  Take a squirt gun with you. Be sure to let the dom dogs owner. And use it.
    15 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  • This situation is so unfair!!! Why can`t people realize it if their dog is being a bully!!! If this Malinois is only young, the owner is in for a very rude awakening one of these times. This will only escalate if left untreated.
    15 hours ago · Unlike · 1

  • Ken has a good idea! We had to deal with that. The Dominant dog kept mounting Luke and would never leave him alone. Sadly my resolve was to leave the park. After that we would try to go at a different time but I wished I could have had the spine to deal with it differently.
    15 hours ago · Unlike · 1

  •  I would ask the man to please keep him away from ralphie
    15 hours ago · Unlike · 1

  •  The owner of The Herder is not a professional trainer. Ralphie is neutered. I do try to intervene between the two dogs but The Herder manages to still go at Ralphie; very overbearing. I would hate to stop going to the dog park because it gave Ralphie ...See More

     Theresa, it sounds like Ralphie is being bullied and while it may not look like it right now... it could affect his socialization skills. If the Malinois owner will work with you on a schedule perhaps something can be mutually reached but it may come down to just finding another time or park.
  • 15 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • The best piece of advice I got for my dog was, "Set your dog up for success." In this situation, remove your dog from the harm. There are MANY other ways to socialize your dog in a controlled, safe environment. I agree withAmy, these experiences could be doing more harm than good.
    15 hours ago · Unlike · 3

  •  Dog parks rely on owners to be responsible for their dogs, it does not sound like the other owner is taking responsibility for his pet's behavior. I would kindly ask him to redirect his dog away from yours, and if he cannot, then he should apply more ...See More
    14 hours ago · Like · 1

  • And what if both of you, the malinois and his handler, and you and Ralphie would go to the trainer? I mean, when approaching the other owner, point out the problem, but end with alternatives and positive suggestions: like your malinois needs some speci...See More
    13 hours ago · Like · 1

  •  Maybe some of Ralphie's friends can be convinced to come at a different time? So he can have a good experience too. I would avoid the bully because it just isn't fun. Or maybe talk to the other owner and alternate days? And, is the Herder's owner embarrassed by his dog's behavior? He should..and be working hard to change it.
    13 hours ago · Like · 2

  • Our V sometimes becomes fixated on other dogs at the dog park and will not let them be. Just keeps playing and playing, some people get annoyed so we leash him, remove him from the situation and move areas. His owner should smarten up. You need to stop being so nice 
    13 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  • You shouldn't have to quit or altar your schedule at the dog park ... Obviously this owner needs more command of his dog's social skills ... He needs to be reminded respectfully at first to give your dog some space after a period of adjustment expires ...See More
    13 hours ago · Like · 3

  •  I've been on both sides of this situation. My V has been obsessively annoying with a couple dogs in the past, I end up taking him out of the park when this happened. He eventually eased up on the behaviour to the point to where he stops when I tell him...See More
    12 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  • Maybe a suggestion to the Belgians owner that you work together and arrange opposite times to bring the dogs? One day you go at the "best" time and the next he does? I'm sure he's not happy seeing his dog being obsessed with Ralphie either 
    12 hours ago · Unlike · 2

  • It sucks right! This happens to us to and we get told to put our dog on a Leash, it makes me so mad because this rottie picks on Reuben and we're the ones that suffer!!
    12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

  • You said the Mals owner is nice. Talk to him and arrange a time, schedule so that the dogs are not in park at same time. You have the brain, voice, watch, calendar and control of the whole situation. As long as the other owner is cooperative make his dogs behavior his problem, not yours or Ralphies. Actually an easy fix, you can be assertive and nice too. A win win situation.
    11 hrs · Unlike · 1

  • An interesting obsevation, in day care my dog had favorites that she played with. Other really fun looking dogs would try very hard to engage her with play but she only had eyes for her special buddies. Cute.
    10 hrs · Unlike · 1

  •  Well I went to the dog park this evening to talk to The Herder's owner and hoping to agree on a schedule to bring our dogs opposite times...he wasn't there, which was a big surprise. Ralphie had a great time at the park today and even was able to play with his BFF, Bailey.
    10 hrs · Like · 7

  •  YAY for today!
    6 hrs · Unlike · 1

  •  Picure of Ralphie?
    2 hrs · Like

  • Ralphie with his BFF, Bailey at the dog park. 
    Theresa Wolan's photo.