Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I think about Ralphie a whole lot.  I talk about Ralphie a whole lot.  I post Ralphie on Facebook a whole lot.  I blog about Ralphie a whole lot.  I play with Ralphie a whole lot.  I care for Ralphie a whole lot.   I get Ralphie tons of toys and treats a whole lot.  Ralphie goes to the dog park a whole lot.  I walk and run Ralphie a whole lot.  I play with Ralphie a whole lot.  I brag about Ralphie a whole lot.   Am I obsessed with Ralphie a whole lot?
What can I say...Ralphie is the best puppy anyone can ask for...he's a good boy, he's smart, he's sociable and friendly, he's a cutey.  *melt*  Yep, I'm obsessed!  LOL

That's MY Baby!!


  1. I love this! I can relate for sure. Some people think I'm nuts because if they didn't know any better they would think Kenzie is a real daughter. Well, real as in a human. Lol she is my world and I am obsessed with her as well, I can't help but look at her and feel that unconditional love. In fact, she has her own album on my Facebook and I tend to post a lot about her. So, I totally know the feeling here. It's great to experience that. I wish everybody would own a dog and feel the same way, I honestly think the world would be a more peaceful and happy place. Studies have shown that when a dog looks at their owner the same chemicals or signals in the brain are released as someone who is looking at their significant other. Strange, but true. Ralphie sure is a lucky boy! =]

  2. Hi Michaela,
    I totally agree with you about everybody having a dog. The world would be a better place. :) To me, non-dog people are different in some way. Maybe they're not as down-to-earth...not sure exactly what it is.
    Interesting study...I definitely believe it!
