Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Walk Training

This week I have my sister and niece visiting me from Ohio.  First, they always enjoy seeing Ollie and how he's progressing through his senior years.  This visit is the first time they're meeting the new member of our family, Ralphie.  As a typical Vizsla, Ralphie is connecting with them (velcro) and showing all the affection that he has to offer.  Ralphie is so happy to have all this extra attention this week! 

My sister has a lot of experience with dogs.  Currently, she has three dogs, a Mastiff, a Great Dane, and a mixed breed.  She has some experience training dogs from showing her past Great Danes. 

So we take Ralphie for a walk.  Yep, he started pulling and tugging.  My sister took the leash and said, "let me show you". Of course I'm open to all suggestions and help to get my Ralphie walking properly without taking my arm off with his pulling.  I was very anxious to see what my sister can show me.  So the training begins....Ralphie on her left, sister holding leash, Ralphie pulls, sister makes a short snap sound and tugs Ralphie back to her, Ralphie starts walking nice on a loose leash, sister says, 'good Ralphie, good boy', Ralphie starts pulling again, sister makes sharp sound, pulls Ralphie back, Ralphie starts walking on loose leash again, 'good Ralphie, good boy...and this goes on as we walk around the block.  We return home and Ralphie is completely session done for the day.

The next day I take Ralphie out myself, using my sister's technique...OMG...Ralphie did excellent!!  Most of our walk was on a loose leash!  I know I need to continue the training to make our walks relaxing and perfect.  It's difficult when I walk both dogs; but I will continue the training whenever possible. 

P.S. Ralphie loves to wake up my sister and niece each morning by jumping in the bed and giving morning kisses!  Sweet Ralphie.

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