So a fly got into the house yesterday. I hate when that happens because they are so annoying buzzing around. But luckily I have a hunter now in my household, my Ralphie.
Ralphie is a fairly good hunter ... well, a neighborhood hunter ... lizards, frogs, bugs, squirrels. Most of the time Ralphie will get a fly who invades our space. Ralphie's fly-hunt was a little different yesterday. He spotted the fly and that thing was buzzing around frantically ... it was all over the place. Ralphie was jumping from one area to the next, barking, jumping, flopping around trying to come in for the attack. Oh poor Ralphie, he was chasing that fly for a long, long time. I can see he was slowing down, feeling frustrated, defeated and he gave up! Yes, he gave into the little 'ol fly!! He hopped on the couch, closed his eyes and ended his hunt.
Ralphie started dreaming restlessly in his sleep...chirping little barks. Then suddenly he popped up from his sleep...scared...yes scared! He looked all around the room...up, down, left, right. I'm sure it's the fly he was looking for...but he looked scared...ears back, tail tucked between his legs. I thought I would distract his uneasy feeling and take him outside. Tail still between his legs, he was quite jumpy outside. He did his pee and wanted to go into the house right away. We get in the house and he headed straight to my bed, pretty much telling me it's bedtime.
As Ralphie was waiting for me in my bed, I manage to swat that fly, thankfully, so there's no buzzing in my ear during the night.
This morning at 6am Ralphie was plopping his paw in my face to wake me up. He was frisky and refreshed, ready to conquer the day. Weirdly, as he walked out of the bedroom, his eyes roamed the living room..."is there a fly out there??"
Luckily, Ralphie is over that fly incident. He's having a normal day. All I can say, dogs are remarkably smart. they remember, they feel defeated at times, they dream, they get scared, and most of all they make us laugh, smile, and really fulfill our lives.