Saturday, September 27, 2014

Vet Visit - Good New - Bad News

Ralphie had his 2 year wellness check at the veterinarian this past week.  I really like his doc because he actually sits down and discusses with me my concerns and gives me his recommendations and suggestions without rushing me through the appointment.

Everything checked out good ... well, almost everything.  Ralphie had his yearly heart worm check...all good.  Then he had a Bordetella shot that I opted for since he's around a lot of different dogs at the dog park.  This prevents Ralphie catching kennel cough.  The doc and I had a long conversation about Ralphie's allergies.  It seems like it's flared up more so recently.  His hair is thinning along his back and he has a few bumps which appear to be bug bites.  I started the NuStock cream again.  If that doesn't clear it up, I'll have to give him the antibiotics that the doctor gave me.  Sometimes I wonder if it's a food allergy.  I'm feeding Ralphie a no-grain salmon kibble.  I may research different foods and try something different.  Talking about food ... the doc gave Ralphie and me some bad news ... Ralphie is CHUBBY ... he's overweight!!  We discussed Ralphie's diet.   Yes, I'm guilty of giving him too many treats and too much human food.  Ralphie needs to lose 5-6 pounds!  He's 71 pounds and should be 65 pounds.

So I started Ralphie's new diet.  It was suggested to me 2/3 kibble and 1/3 green beans or broccoli.  Replace his fattening treats with carrots and apples.  I haven't changed his kibble yet.  I'm still researching a good kibble to help allergies.  But I did start adding the vegetables to his food and changing his treats.  The broccoli was success, he seemed to like it; but forget about the green beans.   He picked them all out of his food.  I gave him a carrot...he ate it, but not the way he eats a milkbone.  He didn't go crazy over it.   He seemed to really like the apple.
Slowly but surely I will get my boy buff and toned! (Actually I can afford to lose 5-6 pounds myself!)

Munching on his new healthy snack ... wasn't all that thrilled with it.
This picture says it all ... Ralphie HATES green beans!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

When It's Time - RIP Stewart

My sister had to make a big decision yesterday to put her most loving Great Dane, Stewart to sleep.  Stewart was 9 years, 8 months old...quite a long life for a giant breed.  When do you know it's that time?  I'm sure my sister struggled making this decision.  But she had to make this decision with her head and set aside her heartfelt feelings.  Stewart was her favorite.  What is best for him?  Of course my sister would of loved to keep him for a week, a month, a year longer.  But is it fair for your pet when their quality of life has diminished.  Stewart simply grew old, ate well but losing weight rapidly, unable to walk, no control of his bodily functions.  It was time.

Right now I have a young whipper-snapper Ralphie, with his youth, energy, the prime of his lifetime.  I'm enjoying his youth!  I also have Ralphie's older brother, Ollie, my Yorkie who is pushing 15 years old.  I'm have my struggles with his aging.  Ollie eats well, still has control of bodily functions, however he just does what he wants.  If he wants to pee and poo outside like a good boy, he does.  But he can be stubborn and lazy and just does his business in the house.  His eyesight and hearing is failing him.  He's becoming a little senile prancing, bumping into things, whining, and panting in the middle of the night.  So I wake up and hold him, cuddle him, rub his ears to soothe and calm him. He falls asleep.  It's been rough for me with interrupted sleep, but that's what love is all about.  I feel Ollie still has life in him; he can be quite feisty at times.  But I know one day I will need to make that decision like my sister did it that time?  But until then, I will cuddle him, comfort him, LOVE him.

Rest In Peace Sweet Stewart

Monday, September 15, 2014

Vizsla Swimming, Running, Hiking

The summer is winding down although here in Florida the warm weather is here for most of the year.  Even though Florida has the warm tropical weather, you can still feel the weather changing.  With that said, I thought of one thing Ralphie and I didn't do this summer ... is spending a whole day at the beach.  We went to the beaches for a short leash walks many times this year, but we didn't have a full beach day.  I really wanted to go to Ft. Desoto beach in St. Petersburg where they have a free run dog beach.  Maybe writing this will motivate me to take a ride out there with Ralphie before the chill rolls in.

Another thing that I didn't do this year yet is to run in a race that allows dogs.  How fun would that be running through the finish line with my boy!  I just can't find a race in the area that permits dogs.  :(

As fall approaches I really would like to go on a few short hikes with Ralphie.  A new experience.  How I would love to find a hiking area to see the colorful fall leaves.  A few years back I hiked in the Highlands, NC ... it was simply awesome, something I would like to do again, but this time with Ralphie.  I have a week off at the beginning of November, maybe just maybe we'll head out there and do some hiking.    All I can remember are the beautiful breathtaking colors and the gorgeous mountains ... so, so different from Florida.