Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Holiday

Happy Memorial Day!

Handsome boy!

Come on can do it!

Such a baby!

Do these pups look happy to you? LOL

Soggy Ollie

Me and my baby!

My little prince!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Running Update

Ralphie and I continue to be running partners.  It's been very slow progress, but that's understandable, after all he is still a puppy...a little over 9 months old now.  We are doing run/walk intervals...some days it's more walk and others more run.  There are always potty breaks and sniffing breaks during our short runs, so obviously that slows it down.  But I confess many times I appreciate those breaks.  At the beginning of our run, he's way too fast for me and I'm shouting, "slow down, slow down Ralphie!"  Pulling and more pulling. As our run progresses, Ralphie's pace becomes slower and more even. Then the run becomes more enjoyable.

Today we did an evening run/walk when it was cooler outside ...  a 2 mile run, pace 13:01min/mi.  Not too bad for two potty breaks and quite a few distractions. 

I can see me and Ralphie running a few 5K races in the future.  But for now we need to work on ignoring distractions and stop pulling.  But most of all ... simply enjoy our time together out on the road!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

First Time at Dog Beach

Gosh, what a fun day!!!  Today was Ralphie's first time at the dog beach.  He LOVED the Gulf waters!  He LOVED jumping the water and swimming after the ball!  He LOVED playing with his new doggie friends and even some friends from the dog park!  He LOVED the sand!  We really had a great time!!

Me and Ralphie ... My Baby!

Video of first time in the Gulf waters!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Dog Heatstroke

Erica and I took Ralphie to the dog park this morning and I noticed the dogs' behaviors were a little different.  It was a hot, sunny morning with temperatures creeping up to mid to upper 80s.  The dogs played for short periods of time and then taking breaks in the shade, panting heavily.  Ralphie had a lot of energy to burn when we arrived as we opened the gate; but it didn't last too long.  Today was the first time Ralphie was willing to leave the park on his bribing him to leave.  As we were walking over the bridge to the exit, Ralphie still wanted to get that last bit of energy out of him with a pitbull.  So the two ran and wrestled some more.  This pitbull was exhausted to the point he was a bit unsteady.  I was happy the owner noticed and knew it was time to leave.   This alarmed me so I had to google dog heatstroke, signs and what to do.  This is what I found...great information!   We really need to be careful this summer ... our pets count on us to keep them healthy!!

Heatstroke symptoms include:
  • Rapid, sometimes frantic, excessive panting
  • Tongue and mucus membranes are bright pink or red and the saliva is thick and tenacious (drooling does not mean that your dog is hydrated! Check the consistency of the drool!)
  • Vomiting and sometimes diarrhea that can be bloody
  • Unsteady, staggering gait
  • Nose and ears dry and hot to the touch
  • Body (rectal) temperature is 104 degrees or higher

What to do:

  • Move your dog to the shade
  • Drinking cool water alone will not fix the problem! Do not let your dog guzzle large amounts of water at a time.
  • Immerse your dog in cool NOT icy cold water. Use a garden hose or bucket to cool the undersides including the groin and arm pits. Use a wet towel or bandana to cool underside if a hose is unavailable
  • Pack ice in wet towels and use on underside and head to help cool dog
  • Get the dog to a vet! Even after he seems to be cooled                                                                                                             
    Erica rinsing off and cooling Ralphie at the dog park...HOT DAY!

    Ralphie's tail is tucked, but truly he is feeling refreshed!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stay-At-Home Day

It's 9:30pm and I'm finally able to sit and relax after work.  Today was a stay-at-home day for Ralphie while I was working.  He builds up all this energy throughout the dog park play today.  When I walk in the door, he's somewhat calm before the storm.  As I'm changing out of my work clothes into my comfy clothes, the storm starts brewing...Ralphie begins his whiny bark, pawing Ollie, Ollie is hiding under the bed barking at Ralphie.  The craziness begins!  I take both Ralphie and Ollie on a short walk around the block to go potty.  During this walk Ralphie is yanking me, chasing the lizards, squirrels, and birds.  Ollie is barking at all the neighbors and other dogs.  Ralphie pounces on Ollie thinking he wants to play.  Ollie gets mad.  Their leashes get twisted.  More pulling and more pulling.  I finally make it around the block, both did their business.  We're home. Then I try to make dinner.  I put my artichoke on and figure it'll take awhile to cook.  So I take Ralphie back out for another walk.  This time we walk around two blocks.  We get home again, Ollie is hiding and I give Ralphie a big bone to get busy with while I finish dinner and eat.  I have a nice quiet dinner and then right after dinner Ralphie wants another walk.  This time we do a 3 mile walk/run....and he runs fast, very difficult to keep up with.  Finally we get home again.  Ralphie slurps up a bowl of water, grabs his bone, starts chewing and I clean up dinner dishes and then get to relax.  Ralphie stay-at-home days are rough and tiring.  These days make me even more thankful for Erica to watch him on her days off and take him to the dog park.

Tomorrow is DOG PARK DAY at Erica's!  Yay, I'll have a tired, good puppy when I pick him up after work!!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day + More Swimming!

My Mother's Day card from Ralphie and Ollie...just too cute!!! (click on picture to enlarge to read)

Getting used to the water with Erica.

Oh-oh, not so sure about this pool thing.

No way...I'm not goin' in that water!!

My little 'ol Ollie...Love.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pool Newbie

It's been a beautiful Florida day...high 86 and sunny.  What a perfect day to splash around in the pool!  And of course, I had to get Ralphie to experience his first swim in the pool.  So at 9 months old ... here it goes...

Ralphie was scared, he held onto me like a child, gripping tight...ohhh the scratches he left behind on my back, arms, stomach.  But I actually think he was starting to like it.  I would let him out, start splashing around myself and he would stand by the edge of the pool, just wanting to jump in, but didn't until I gave him some assistance.  Then he would swim a little with my guidance, out of the pool he goes and starts running and running around the perimeter of the pool with excitement.  I think Ralphie really had a great time!  Tomorrow...another pool day!!

My pool baby!  Right after his first swim.

My boy, enjoying the outdoors!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


A video of Ralphie playing with 4-month old pitbull, Chance.  He loves pitbulls! It seems like he's always attracted to them when we go to park.

Ralphie in silly play with Chance the pitbull and Jake the GSP.

I LOVE this picture!! Three fabulous hunting bird dogs... Ralphie the Vizsla, Jake the German Short-haired Pointer, and Marley the Weimaraner....aren't they handsome?!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Bird Dog - His First Hunt

Ralphie and I took our walk this beautiful Sunday morning.  He's always chasing the squirrels, lizards, and birds.  Well today he landed his first hunt (sigh)...  I guess this is what I should expect from a hunting bird dog...

I'm yelling..."DROP IT, DROP IT!"

He won't drop it!!

Ralphie sits so proud...his first hunt!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Neighborhood Doggie Drama

Oh my,  there's been some doggie drama in my neighborhood this past week!  A couple of weeks ago one of my neighbors approached me and asked if that was Ralphie howling and barking throughout the night.  What??!!!  My Ralphie is next to me, in my bed, hogging my side of the bed, snoring away every night.  I assured my neighbor Ralphie is out cold in my bed each night...nope it's not Ralphie who is howling and barking.  But it did trigger my curiosity...what neighbor would allow their dog disturb neighbors and most of all not sheltering their dog from outside elements.  Then I discovered...I heard the shrieking barks and long-drawn out howls!  It's my newly divorced neighbor across the street who is rarely home and maybe got custody of the family pet.  The dog is locked in his fenced-in backyard in our 80-plus degree weather all day, all night.  I hear this dog howling literally for sad.  I'm not sure if this dog has a dog house in the backyard, a doggie shoot to go in and out of the house, or just left outside with no shelter at all.  But I do know, this dog is not a happy camper being neglected by his human!  I get so upset with people who want a pet but are not responsible pet owners.  Let's face it, having a dog is like having a child.  They need a lot of attention, time, and love.  People need to realize your whole lifestyle changes once a puppy becomes a part of your family.  Nevertheless, I wasn't sure if I should talk to my neighbor and let him know how his dog is disrupting the neighborhood.  Does he not realize there is a baby and a child next door who need their sleep, there is a terminally ill neighbor across the street who needs his peace, there are elderly neighbors who appreciate quietness? 
I posted on my facebook this dilemma..."what would you do"?  How would you handle this situation?  I received several him, call the police, call the SPCA, then one response from my cousin read, "talk to him; if the authorities take the dog it will end up in a shelter and from there who knows what will happen".  So I took her suggestion, but instead of talking to him (because he's rarely home and I don't see him), I taped an anonymous note on his mailbox.  I see he did receive it...the note is gone.  Maybe I was a little harsh and brutal in my note, but I wanted to get my point across...BE A RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER!  My neighbor seems like a nice guy probably going through some turmoil in his life, the last thing I would want to do is take his pet away from him.  I'm hoping my note changes life for his dog.  After I left the note, I went back into my house and gave Ralphie and Ollie and EXTRA BIG HUG!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The Stalker

It's amazing how the hunting instincts come out naturally in a training needed.  The video below was at the park where Ralphie spotted a squirrel.  He didn't get it, but came close.  I dread the day he actually gets a squirrel.  :-(

Below is a picture of Ralphie stalking a lizard...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Just Another Day...

Another day at the dog park with Erica...busy digging holes!

Ralphie's holes are getting bigger!  He love laying in them when he gets hot.

After playing for 2 hours at the dog park...he's beat!