All dogs raised normally by their mothers possess demodectic mange mites (Demodex canis), which are transferred from mother to pup via cuddling during the first few days of life. Most dogs live in harmony with their mites, never suffering any consequences."
Ralphie had his vet appointment yesterday for his last series of puppy shots and rabies shot. He's getting to be a big boy weighing in at 27.9 pounds at 4 months old. I had him checked for mange since he's developing bald spots and I heard a couple of his siblings were diagnosed with mange. I'm sorry to say Ralphie has demodectic mange. He's not itching or scabbing but he is losing hair. The vet said it's common in Vizslas, but I never experienced this with Jazz, my previous Vizsla. So this is all new to me. The vet indicated it's from his mother while nursing as a new puppy.
This is something the breeder would never know especially being the first time she bred the mother. I can tell you one thing, I am so impressed with the breeder. She is very concerned and is paying for Ralphie's exam and treatment. The vet gave me a med called Ivermectin. I've read about this med and I'm not so thrilled about it especially when the doc said Ralphie may get depressed, if so to discontinue it plus he will lose more hair before it all grows back again. I will use this med very conservatively. I did some research and ordered a product called Nu-Stock, which seems to have great reviews. So I'm planning to use this since it doesn't have any side effects.
But in the meantime, Ralphie is still the crazy, playful, energized Ralphie.